Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My first review

brainstorm- film: Donnie Darko
  1. confusing
  2. time travel
  3. depression
  4. skitsafrentic
  5. good story
  6. intriguing
  7. school life
  8. messed up people
  9. good actors/actresses
  10. makes you think
  11. good soundtrack (especially last song)
  12. rabbit costume
  13. sad
  14. friendship between donnie and girl
  15. acceptance of death

The film Donnie Darko is about a boy with many problems going through high school life. He goes through states of depression and skitsafrentia. the movie starts with part of a plain falling into his house but he survives. through the whole movie he is shown as a skitsafrentic kid who talks to a imaginary guy in a rabbit costume. this movie talks allot about time travel and makes you think. with this plot of time travel being the reason the plane fell on him and other things that happened, it keeps you very intrigued. In this movie it also shows the friendship a good looking girl (that could have been popular but decided to be friends with Donnie) and Donnie make. it shows a great friendship that leads to a relationship and how he ends up going back in time to save her life because if she didn't meet him she would not have died. This film turned into a cult film. at least that is what it says on the back of the DVD case. and i can see why. this is a movie that could be watched over and over again and you could still learn new things because of how deep and thoughtful it is. over all this is a boy who in this movie goes through a journey of finding himself and figuring out what he must do in his life and in the end he realizes to save the people he loves he must let his own life go and he accepts that. Also the music in the movie really adds to the feelings that are going through the character throughout the movie. The actor who plays Donnie Darko is Jake Gyellenhal and i believe this is the movie that made his career so great. i do not like Jake that much in other movies but i believe in this movie he plays his character perfectly. over all this movie makes you ask many questions about things such as time travel and death and the way you run your life. I certainly know that after watching this movie it really shows that life is an interesting thing and there will always be unanswered questions.