Thursday, March 17, 2011

Stagecoach - Unforgiven - True Grit Comparison

Stagecoach and True Grit - Stage coach and true grit had some things in common that i thought were interesting. One thing that they had in common was the women. Although in stage coach it is whore and a calssy lady and in True Grit it is just a little girl they all have one thing in common, they are all strong women. This shows a main theme of a western. Another thing they both had in common was the want for revenge because of killed family members. Ringo wanted revenge against the man who killed his brother and father and mattie from True Grit wanted revenge from the man who killed her father. there are also some differences, such as the happyness of stagecoach. Stagecoach is very unrealistic as nothing really bad happens to anybody, but in True Grit they have alot of people get hurt, for instence mattie gets her arm amputated in the end of the movie and nothing bad like that happens in the stagecoach.

Unforgiven and True Grit - These moves are similar in the way that they are more realistic. Both of them have realistic sounds of gun fire and also can get prety bloody. Another similarity these two movies have is that they arent very happy endings. Like in unforgiven he does the things he set out to do, but he went back to his old ways in his journey. and in True Grit hey also do what they set out to do but Mattie looses an arm and them she never gets to see the men she traveled with again, so they both are prety sad stories. Another similarity is the characters. In both movies you have 2 expirienced people trying to do a job while a young kid is following pretending like he/she knows what theyre doing. Some differences are the stories. In True Grit the story is about revenge a girl wants because a man killed her father and in the end she killed that man, but in Unforgiven there is revenge, but its just a bunch of prostitutes hiring others to kill the people they want dead for them.

True Grit=Classic - True Grit i think is a classic western because of many different thing in the movie. In it they have a story of revenge, which seems to be a common trait in all westerns. Now usually you will have an outlaw that ends up being good and you root for him and in True Grit it may not seem like it, but i believe Rooster is kind of the outlaw in this movie because although he is a sherif, he is also a drunk and kills people he doesnt really need to do and his ethics are frowned upon by many, but through the movie you grow to like him because of his humor and his choices end up saving the day, just like in many other classic westerns. Another classic thing about this movie is the stand off near the end where Rooster is on a horse about to fight a gang of criminals and he kills all of them (with a little help from LaBeef). This is a huge trait of classic westerns because there is always a fight that in real life the hero would probubly not survive, but in the classic western the hero always beats the bad guy, even if the odds are bad.