Thursday, February 24, 2011

Clip A - This clip is from Oceans 11 and it starts with them playing at a poker table with everybody around them in a circle and the lighting of this first part is under lighting because you can see the light coming from underneath. Another Thing about this is it follows the framing straight- on angle because they are talking to eachother and every shot is a medium shot so that it shows each person and what they are doing with their cars, money, and the emotions they have while gambling. Also it seams like the camera is hand held because it shakes alot making it feel like you are there with them. The editing in it is usually just normal cuts to each person talking but it also makes sure to follow the Axis of action, the 180 degrees rule when at the table. Then they use the Shot/reverse shot as conversations go down between the 2 main characters and others at the table. Finally they use Eyeline match as people watch how many chips or cards they are putting in.

Clip C - In this clip of silence of the lamb The biggest thing they use is cross cutting because they show two things happening at once, parrallel action. They show on one side the police going to the house and then on the other they show what the cerial killer is doing with his victim and the door bell rings when the Police ring it, but then the guy goes to the door and its someone else, so 2 things were happening in different places, but it made you think it was in the same place. There is also a low angle on the Cerial killer when he gets mad at the victim because she took his dog and it makes it feel llike you are the one looking up at him from the well. So over all it misleads the viewers inot thinking they found the killer, and it works because of the parrallel action that is going on.

Clip E - In this clip of Amadues it really goes into the music. it starts out with an old man playing music on a piano making that diegetic because it is in the actual story, but then he stops and starts pretending to conduct and non-diegetic music plays, this is music that the people in the story cant hear but adds to the clip by showing that he is conducting his own piece and it shows how wonderful it sounded, this is something he could not have done with just diegetic music. It also makes you feel what he is feeling at that moment when it even has a flashback to when he actually is conducting it. Also there is a straight- on angle of framing as they have their conversation while the editing is shot/reverse shot because they are having a conversation. Most of the lighting comes from the window behind the old guy making it Backlight.

Clip F - The biggest things in this are the pan shot and long take. The pan shot is how the camera turns in place almost to make it seam like you are turning your head to see where the boy is going. Then it becomes a long take because it follows behind the boy, but soon after that it goes back into the pan shot as it turns to look at the burning house. The lighting comes from the light outside and is never Hard light, it is mostley Backlighting and it is defused from the rain making it soft light. It is mostly a straight on angle to make it seam like your are look at them, like your there. and when you see the fire they use Deep space by showing a man close to the fire seem small and helpless and the closer is a woman watching the man and the fire and she looks a little bigger, and then the boy runs in looking the biggest at first but then goes next to the mom and although he is closest to the camera he still looks smallest show that although he helps the family and is mature he still needs his mother.

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